Wednesday, May 16, 2012

exam's OVER  XD

changed my blog song...
im now only addicted to this few korean songs XD 
i'm not really into koreans actually =P 

the 1st thing i wanna do...
is actually watch movie...
but ...i'm SICK ><

will rest and get well soon... XD
still got stuffs waiting for me to do >< 
going back to hometown soon...
WEEEEEE~~~~~ =D 

all those yummy foods <3
my saliva is dripping already LOL =P

outing with HIM XD
im excited ar...
few days never saw him d =P
he said he became slimmer...
jz in few days...
seriously? =O 
haha... k lar... i'll stop being sarcastic =X 

although im sick...
im in happy mood XD 
i cannot take it anymore ><

*bed time* 

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